Stretching the Voice"Legato Singing"
Hymns for practice:
It Is Well With My Soul
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Praise My Soul the King of Heaven
The key to "Legato singing" is to make sure that you sing strongly and connect one word to another. Singing every day is crucial if you are to improve your singing. 15-20 minutes is all it takes. Not only will singing help your voice, but it also improves brain function. Increased blood flow and memory retention are two areas that are helped when you sing.
Try to stand as you sing. This is rather basic, but it increases the ability for the diaphragm and lungs to work in a coordinated fashion.
But regardless of how and when you sing, please do sing. Not only is singing commanded by scripture, it has been the practice of the church from the very beginning.
The next area that we will talk about is how to increase your singing range. Again, unless you are singing regularly (every day??) it's hard to make progress in this area. But "range" is a technique that can be improved.
The place to start? By singing hymns every day and making sure that your singing is "legato." Happy Singing!