TO: The Consistory of Seventh Reformed Church
FROM: Paul L. Lusher, Director of Music
RE: KIDS CHOIR CAMP: "A Child of the KING!"
THE 11TH ANNUAL KIDS CHOIR CAMP was one of the best ever. 112 Campers along with 50 staffers celebrated a great week of music and worship. As in past years, the Camp was a challenging, but rewarding opportunity to work with the children from Seventh Reformed Church, the neighborhood surrounding the church (a two mile radius)--and kids from across the entire Grand Rapids area.
As in past years, I want to thank Jeanne Wise for her tireless efforts in spending hundreds of hours working to make each day of the Camp a great success. Also, I want to thank Marlene for her support as our family is totally transformed for nearly a month. As you know, Jeanne, Marlene and I donate our time to make KCC a reality. Hence, it is with whole-hearted gratitude to the Lord that we can report to you that the 2011 Kids Choir Camp was a great success.
As you look through our report, you will notice the unique spiritual content of the Camp. By Friday night's Festival of Praise, each Camper had memorized five Scripture verses as well as four hymns and 6-8 musical anthems. As in past years, all of the anthems and Scripture verses were coordinated to highlight the four great "Heroes of the Faith" and to emphasize the theme: "A Child of the KING". Special thanks to Brett Barkley for help in guiding the Campers through these important Scripture passages and stories. They will be remembered for years to come!
The staff of 50 associates was again a great highlight of the week. Each year the Staff is a real highlight of the week--this year was no exception. One of the remarkable aspects of the week is the incredible attitude displayed by each "staffer." From the Kitchen help to the various directors, the love of Christ is evident in the smile of each staff member. It is quite amazing--and a tribute to God's blessing on Kids Choir Camp.
The concluding Festival of Praise was, again, a great success--in fact "one of the best ever!" It is amazing to see all of the activities of the week come together in such a spectacular way. I'm sorry that more Consistory members were not in attendance, but I encourage each of you to seek out someone who was at the Festival--you will be encouraged by their enthusiastic response to the evening.
(Just a few among many...)
As noted above, one of the most significant aspects of KCC is the outpouring of support from the parents of the Campers. They are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to immerse their children in music that is distinctly different from the culture--if only for a week!
"Singing engages the entire person!" For the Christian, song is the vehicle that unites the emotions and the mind in praise and worship to the Lord. We are committed to a music program that encourages children (and their parents!) to sing great hymns and anthems.
To God be the Glory!