Billy: In our church, the worship team and the soloists do most of the singing? Many times, I feel left out. What do you think?
Adoration Songbook: One of the leaders of the Reformation called the congregation the "first choir". I think he had it right. Hymns—and all worship music for that matter—are an act of praise. From the beginning—to check out the "first" songs of praise, see Job 8:4-7—song has been about praising God. From King David to today, music is for praise and praise is for the people of God.
Billy: So does that mean that only the congregation should sing praise?
AS: Actually, some congregations so jealousy guard their right to praise God in song, that no solos (or choirs) are permitted. But again, using Scripture as our guide, solos—and especially choirs—should sing praise to God. But, and this is the most important thing, it is always on behalf of the congregation. So, don’t become upset when a solo or praise team sings. But, gently remind them that the congregation’s song is significant. And that the congregation must be the primary "worship team" when God is praised through song!